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昔日智取威虎山 今天智战《仙途2》!

Former tiger "by 2" intelligence warfare today!

2014-12-26 10:01:41来源: 天极网

最近火热的贺岁大片《智取威虎山》可谓风光无限,口碑和票房都引起讨论,各大娱乐媒体也是爆发口水战。 其实电影如何不重要,重要的是一种情怀。智取威虎山,按照导演徐克的话来说,是联接三代人的共同记忆。一个“智取”,点明无论在哪个年代,在任何领域,智慧都是最重要的。 在年轻一代最喜欢的娱...

recently hot celebrate the New Year blockbuster "tiger" scenery infinite, word of mouth and the box office has caused discussion, each big entertainment media also slobber war broke out. In fact, how the movie is not important, important is a kind of feelings. Tiger, according to director Tsui Hark's words, is to connect the common memory of three generations. A "outsmart" point out, in any age, in any field, wisdom is the most important. In the younger generation like most entertainment...