新关注 > 信息聚合 > 王者荣耀师徒系统介绍 拜师收徒条件奖励王者荣耀..

王者荣耀师徒系统介绍 拜师收徒条件奖励王者荣耀..

The glory of the king mentoring system introduces conditions of award coach Shoutu king of glory..

2016-06-01 17:50:29来源: TechWeb

在王者荣耀本次体验服更新后,开放了全新的师徒系统,旨在给新老玩家建立亲密关系,新玩家可以通过拜师并和师父一起游戏学习到游戏技巧和丰厚奖励,更好的度过新手期,而老玩家也可以通过带徒弟获得荣誉奖励和尊重。 一、王者荣耀新手怎么拜师 新手召唤师可以通过师父系统寻找并拜入一名老(司机)召唤师...

In the experience of serving the king of glory after the update, open a new mentoring system, to establish close relationship to the old and new game player, game player can study with new and learning to master playing game skills and rich reward, better spent this period, while the old game player can also through the apprentice honor reward and respect. The glory of the king, a novice how novice can master apprentice Summoner system to seek out and worship into an old Summoner (driver)...

标签: 王者荣耀