新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《炉石传说》设计师:如何创造沉浸式用户界面


The hearthstone, "the designer: how to create immersed type user interface

2015-05-26 17:08:35来源: 新浪

用户界面(UI)设计在游戏研发最终阶段之前,通常都是被忽略的,但是,在项目的一开始就为UI问题加入一点点的思考,可以给你的研发过程带来很大的帮助。金天,Gamelook找到了《炉石传说》高级UI设计师Derek Sakamoto在GDC 2015上的演讲。 在演讲中,他详细讲解了暴雪...

user interface (UI) at the start of research and development of game of the final stage of the design, are usually neglected, however, in project started on the UI with a little bit of thinking can bring great help to your development process. Today, Gamelook found "hearthstone" senior UI designer Derek Sakamoto's presentation at GDC 2015. In his speech, he explained blizzard in detail....

标签: 炉石传说