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消息称任天堂Switch发布价250美元左右 低价换取..

News that nintendo released the Switch price is about $250 Low prices for..

2016-11-15 21:48:13来源: 新浪

【TechWeb报道】11月15日消息,自从任天堂公布旗下新一代游戏主机Swtich后,关于这款全新主机的配置以及价格都未透露出来。不过据外媒最新爆料称,任天堂Swtich的售价大概在250美元左右,高端版Switch游戏机的售价将为249.99英镑,约合311美元。 据外媒报道称,...

【 】 TechWeb reported on November 15, since the nintendo released its new generation game console switch beyond constant-like, about the new host configuration, and prices are not revealed. However, according to the latest foreign media revealed that nintendo Switch beyond constant-like price at around $250, probably the high-end version of the Switch console will sell for 249.99 pounds, or about $311. According to foreign media reports,...

标签: 任天堂 Switch