新关注 > 信息聚合 > CF官网公告:腾讯游戏成功续约穿越火线


CF's official website announced: tencent games successful renewal through the wire

2015-11-30 10:42:08来源: 新浪

11月28日晚间,穿越火线官网发布公告宣布:腾讯游戏已与《穿越火线》开发商Smilegate就《穿越火线》在中国大陆地区的运营达成续约协议。 公告原文如下: 亲爱的穿越火线玩家: 腾讯游戏与Smilegate(《穿越火线》开发商)就《穿越火线》在中国大陆地区的运营达成续约协议...

November 28 evening, known to the public through the wire's official website announced: tencent game has with "through wire" developers Smilegate just through the wire "in mainland China operations contract agreement. The original announcement is as follows: dear through firewire player: tencent game with Smilegate (" through wire "developers) is through the wire" in mainland China operations contract agreement...