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真三国无双手游 《关云长》震撼上架苹果商店

Shin Sangoku Musou Tour "Kuan" shocking shelves Apple store

2015-09-17 11:10:46来源: 4399

真三国手游无双之作《关云长》今日10时正式上架App Store,无双操控一往无前,至尊武圣云长降世!游戏以无双动作操控为核心,搭配史诗级3D战争场景,竞技场、3V3、国战、多层次交互玩法将三国游戏的精髓一网打尽!海量福利倾情赠送,下载即送专属银像,将星云集强力助阵,助您会遍天下英豪,成...

real Three Kingdoms tour warriors of the as "Kuan" today 10 officially shelves app store, unparalleled manipulation indomitable, extreme wusheng cloud long descending to the world! The game to matchless action to control the core, match the epic 3D scenes of war, arena, 3v3, national war, multi-level interactive gameplay will catch the essence of the game three! Massive welfare portrait gift, Download Jisong exclusive silver like, star studded powerful blast, help you will be all over the world hero,...

标签: 手游 苹果