新关注 > 信息聚合 > 8家中国公司入围全球TOP52:冠军超150亿元


8 China Company list of the world's TOP52: champions super 15000000000 yuan

2015-03-06 18:17:12来源: 07073游戏网

最近,数据统计公司App Annie基于过去一年对App Store和Google Play的数据统计进行分析,在其官网发布了2014年度手游发行商收入排行榜,以52张扑克牌的形式列出了全球2014年度手游发行商收入榜。 需要补充的是,由于该榜单并未统计中国地区的安卓市场收入,在数量...

recently, statistical data firm App Annie over the past year on App Store and Google Play data based on statistical analysis, in its official website issued 2014 annual Mobile Games publishers income rankings, with 52 cards in the form of a list of 2014 global annual Mobile Games issue list of business income. Need to add is, because of the income the Android Market the list has not statistical Chinese area, in number...