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The strength of the data flow "sacred three" ballistic skill summary

2015-04-02 09:18:52来源: 天极网

数据流,这个词最早源于游戏中玩家对于那些整天只埋头研究数据资料而不投入实战,只会纸上谈兵的孔乙己的吐槽。而现在随着玩家整体水平的提高对于游戏细节有了更多认识,数据流成了一个象征实力的词汇,今天就让我们来扮演一把数据流,带大家看看《圣域三国》里那些弹道技能。 弹道技能有哪些? 弹道...

celestial pole net flow, the term originated from the game game player for those who only work data and not put into combat, only empty talk Kong Yiji tucao. And now with the overall level of the game player to improve the details of the game have more understanding, the data flow has become a symbol of the strength of the vocabulary, today let's play a data flow, we have a look "Three Kingdoms" in the sanctuary of ballistic skill. Ballistic skill which to have? Trajectory...