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Bethesda E3 2019发布会内容汇总

Summary of Bethesda E3 2019 Press Conference

2019-06-10 10:00:00来源: 游戏时光

E3 2019 Bethesda 展前发布会已于北京时间6月10日上午9点50分结束,Bethesda 携自家多款作品登台亮相,三上真司的 Tango 工作室和《耻辱》《掠食》开发商 Arkane 工作室在现场公布了新 IP。以下是发布会的内容汇总:《上古卷轴 Blades》2019年秋季免费登陆 Switch支持手机、Switch 跨平台游玩,并且能够进度互通。Switch 版支持 Joy-Con 体感游玩。游戏将加入 Solo 竞技场战斗、新的龙任务线,现在就可以免费在 iOS 和安卓平台下载。《辐射76》Year 2 免费更新 + 免费一周 + 吃鸡模式《辐射76》将于2019年秋季推出...

The pre-exhibition conference of E3 2019 Bethesda ended at 9:50 a.m. Beijing time on June 10, 2009. Bethesda brought a number of works of its own to the stage. Tango studio and Arkane studio, the developer of Disgrace and Predator, launched a new IP on the spot. Following is a summary of the content of the conference: "Blades of Ancient Scrolls" in autumn 2019 free landing Switch support mobile phones, Switch cross-platform play, and can progress interoperability. Switch version supports Joy-Con somatosensory play. The game will be joined by Solo Arena Battle and the new Dragon Task Line, which can now be downloaded free of charge on iOS and Android platforms. Radiation 76 Year 2 Free Update + Free Week + Chicken Eating Mode Radiation 76 will be launched in the autumn of 2019.