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科幻大片即视感 RTS新作《奇点灰烬》故事背景首爆

The science fiction blockbuster is depending on the sense of RTS new "singularity" ashes of story background first burst

2015-03-10 14:13:03来源: 新浪

视频加载中,请稍候... 由独立游戏工作室Oxide公布了旗下科幻即时战略游戏新作《奇点余烬》(Ashes of the Singularity)日前公布了游戏的官方网站。游戏讲述了21世纪,人类发明了一台超级人工智能,在超级AI的帮助下,人类快速发展并开始了宇宙扩张。由于宇宙环境的...

Sina video loading, please wait... By independent game studio Oxide announced its new sci-fi real-time strategy game "singularity" (Ashes of the Singularity the embers) recently released the game's official website. The game tells the story of the twenty-first Century, mankind invented a super artificial intelligence, in the super AI's help, the rapid development of human and the beginning of the expansion of the universe. Due to the cosmic environment...