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《索尼克:爆破》新作制作人采访 将回归经典

The sonic blast "new producer interview will return to the classic

2015-06-19 17:27:51来源: 电玩巴士

近日,《索尼克:爆破》系列新作《索尼克:爆破 火与冰》的制作人在E3现场接受了外媒的采访。制作人首先表示整个团队会尊重玩家的意见,认真听取玩家们的反馈和批评,制作一款“原汁原味”的《索尼克》游戏。 在本作的开发过程中,制作组研究了过往2D《索尼克》游戏的关卡以及地图布局,尤其是MD时...

recently, Sonic the Hedgehog: blasting" series of new sonic the Hedgehog: producer of blasting fire and ice "at the scene of the E3 accepted the interview with foreign media. Producer first said the entire team will respect the views of the players, listen carefully to the feedback and criticism of the players, making a "authentic", "Sonic" game. In the course of development, the production team to study the past 2D "Sonic" game of the level and map layout, especially MD...

标签: 索尼 索尼克