新关注 > 信息聚合 > 王者联盟露娜怎么样 露娜技能属性详解

王者联盟露娜怎么样 露娜技能属性详解

How alliance King Luna Luna skill attributes explain

2015-10-16 21:04:09来源: 4399

今日,王者联盟官方曝光的一个新英雄露娜,这是一位刺客型的英雄,那么露娜与其他刺客英雄有何不同呢?下面就具体来看看王者联盟露娜技能属性详解吧! 从技能效果上来看,露娜跟LOL中的皎月女神相同,被动应该是可以加攻速,第三次普攻造成范围伤害。更多新英雄曝光,尽在英雄大全!

today, King union official exposure of a new hero Luna, which is an assassin hero, then Luna and other assassin heroes have why to differ? To have a look the following specific King Luna skill attributes explain! Skill effects from the point of view, Luna and lol moonlight goddess, passive should can increases attack speed and the three conventional attack to deal damage in an area. More new hero exposure, as in the hero!