新关注 > 信息聚合 > 俺老孙来也!孙悟空各种画风乱入国外网游


I'm old sun to! Sun Wukong style into chaos in journey to the West in one of the foreign net swims

2015-09-22 18:44:29来源: TechWeb

四大名著之一《西游记》中的齐天大圣孙悟空在国内可谓家喻户晓,围绕西游题材开发的网游中孙悟空的出镜率也是相当之高,就在中国市场被越来越多的国外游戏厂商所关注时,这只美猴王也穿越到了各大非国产网游中,当起了“盖世英雄”,我们可以看到多种画风的孙悟空。 星际战甲 在登陆国服后,超能动作射...

four great classical novels Monkey Sun Wukong a household name in the country can be described as, around the journey theme of the development of online games in the Sun Wukong's appearance rate is quite high, in the Chinese market is concerned by more and more foreign game makers, the monkey king also through to the major domestic online games, when the "Heroes", we can see a variety of styles of the monkey king. Interstellar armor in landing national costume, super action shot...

标签: 网游