新关注 > 信息聚合 > 天涯明月刀签约NEXON出口韩国 新版本年底上线

天涯明月刀签约NEXON出口韩国 新版本年底上线

The end of the world moon Dao NEXON exports to South Korea by the end of the new version of the end of line

2015-11-15 11:45:09来源: 17173

腾讯游戏旗下网游《天涯明月刀》亮相2015年腾讯游戏嘉年华,正式宣布签约韩国厂商NEXON,成为腾讯首款出口韩国的大型端游。在国服新版本方面,《天涯明月刀》正式宣布大型冬季版本“海阔天空”将于年底正式上线。 冬季版本“海阔天空”年底上线 《天涯明月刀》继秋季资料片“谁与争锋”之后,...

Tencent game's online game, the horizon moon knife debut in 2015 Tencent game carnival, officially announced the signing of Korean manufacturers NEXON, Tencent became the first large end of the South Korean tour. In the new version of the dress, the horizon moon knife "officially announced large-scale winter version" brighter "will be officially launched at the end of the year. The winter version "as boundless as the sea and sky on the line at the end of the horizon moon knife" "after the fall" piece of information "challenge",...