新关注 > 信息聚合 > 七夕没女友怕啥!PSVR汉化版VR大盘点满足你


Chinese don't have a girlfriend is afraid of what! PSVR localization version of VR large inventory to meet you

2016-08-09 08:33:57来源: 17173

17173 新闻导语 2016ChinaJoy已经结束,在索尼PlayStation的中国发布会上,正式宣布了PSVR发售的游戏列表,并表示众多游戏将会进行中文汉化,令喜爱PSVR的粉丝们激动不已。其中包括了人气大作最终幻想15、生化危机7以及宅男们最爱的初音未来,除了这些游戏之外,...

17173 news leads 2016 chinajoy has ended, and the China conference on the SONY PlayStation, officially PSVR launch the game list, and said many games will make Chinese localization, make love PSVR fans excited. Including the popular book final fantasy 7 and 15, biochemical crisis otaku are favorite sound at the beginning of the future, in addition to these games,...

标签: PS VR