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PSVR致胜一法宝 防晕动症警告系统曝光

PSVR winning a magic weapon Prevent motion sickness disease warning system

2016-08-20 08:56:39来源: 17173

17173 新闻导语 日前美国专利商标局发表了一批专利,其中Sony为防止VR晕眩所申请的“警告系统”专利赫然在列。该专利是于2015年2月5日提交,于8月11日发表的。看来Sony在这方面已经早有准备。 大家都知道,VR晕眩问题是VR设备无可避免的一个通病,而作为可能会是普及度最...

17173 news leads The United States patent and trademark office has issued a number of patents, including Sony to prevent VR dizzy for patent impressively in the column "warning system". The patent is submitted on February 5, 2015, published on August 11. It seems that the Sony this aspect has been ready. As everybody knows, VR dizzy problem is inevitably a common fault, VR equipment as may be the popularity...

标签: PS VR