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腾讯节节落败? 痛失《穿越火线2》代理仅为开始

The Tencent is losing? Lost "Cross Fire 2" agent is only beginning

2015-12-18 17:48:33来源: 4399

九城拿下《穿越火线2》运营权,这无疑让腾讯大为苦恼。到底为什么会出现如此情况呢?一起来看看九城、360与腾讯的那点事吧! 九城拿下《穿越火线2》运营权,公告中宣称将向游戏开发商Smilegate 付出4.5亿美元,业界人士多称之为豪赌,那么此举真能为九城带来巨大的改变吗?其中又蕴含着哪...

Take Cross Fire 2 "9" operating rights, which will undoubtedly make the Tencent greatly distressed. Why is there such a situation? Take a look at what the 360 9 cities, and Tencent! The9 won the "crossing the line of fire 2" the right to operate, announcement claimed to game developers Smilegate paid $450 million, industry known to gamble, such a move could bring great changes to The9? Which also contains a God...

标签: 腾讯 穿越火线