新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《神武2》玩家彩绘才气外漏 有萌有爱文艺范

《神武2》玩家彩绘才气外漏 有萌有爱文艺范

The creature 2 players talent leakage coloured drawing or pattern 'love of literature and art fan

2016-02-18 11:41:12来源: 天极网

《神武2》玩家向来多才多艺,他们享受游戏之余,也常常会为自己喜欢的角色画上一两幅同人画作。作品虽说不上精妙绝伦,但也是惟妙惟肖,各有特色,为《神武2》里的人物萌宠增添了不少生气呢~ 新服推荐:“柔情似水”、“招财聚宝” 《神武2》官方网站:http://sw.duoyi.com/...

Creature 2 players have versatile, they enjoy the game, their favorite role is often one or two fan painting. Works not ring, but it is also, have distinguishing feature each, as the creature 2 characters of pet adds a lot of angry ~ new clothing recommendation: "gentle", "plutus jubao" creature 2's official website: http://sw.duoyi.com/...

标签: 玩家