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VR游戏《白色情人节》登Steam青睐之光 浪漫恐怖..

VR game "White Valentine's Day" on the romantic light of Steam's favorite

2016-04-22 14:19:56来源: 新浪

此前韩国开发商Roi Games决定开发一款浪漫恐怖冒险游戏《白色情人节(White Day)》,面向平台为PS4且支持PlayStation VR,玩家将陷入恐怖学园并奋力逃生,而现在官方正准备将其推往PC平台。 根据介绍,《白色情人节(White Day)》是2001年同名游戏的...

After the South Korean developer Roi Games decided to develop a romantic horror adventure game "White Valentine's Day" (White Day), the platform for PS4 and PlayStation VR, game player will fall into terrorist and struggling to escape now, and officials are ready to be pushed to the PC platform. According to the introduction, "White Valentine's Day (White Day)" is the game of the same name in 2001...

标签: 游戏 Steam VR