新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《我的世界:故事模式》第四章或本月推送


"My World: Story Mode" or Chapter IV push this month

2015-12-10 14:57:05来源: TechWeb

相信现在许多玩家对于游戏开发商 Telltale Games 的大名已经如雷贯耳了,此前其制作的多款叙事性 RPG 类游戏相继完结,而与 Mojang 合作推出的游戏《我的世界:故事模式(Minecraft: Story Mode)》还依然在不断的推出新的章节,此前游戏的前三个章节已经顺...

Now I believe many players for the name game developer Telltale Games has Ruleiguaner after its production of a variety of narrative RPG games have been concluded, and the launch of cooperation with Mojang game "My World: Story Mode (Minecraft: Story Mode) "also still in the constant introduction of new chapters, after the game's first three chapters have been along ...

标签: 我的世界