新关注 > 信息聚合 > 新指挥官斯即将到来 《星际争霸Ⅱ》3.9版本预览

新指挥官斯即将到来 《星际争霸Ⅱ》3.9版本预览

New commander, the upcoming starcraft Ⅱ preview version 3.9

2016-12-14 00:00:00来源: 人民网

多玩网12月13日消息,在12月15日上线的《星际争霸Ⅱ》3.9版本中,合作任务新指挥官斯托科夫就会带着他的被感染军团重返战场,而大家也可以借此体验这份违背常规科技限制的变异力量。另一方面,在合作任务战场上大出风头,又完成了自己的“隐秘行动”战役后,诺娃现在将以播报员的身份加入《星际争霸II》。 新指挥官 阿列克谢·斯托科夫 阿列克谢·斯托科夫在《星际争霸》时代就在剧情中有着举足轻重的作用,虽然从一开始他就对杜兰有所怀疑,但最终他仍倒在了杜兰编织的阴谋之中。但死亡并没有给他带来平静,斯托科夫被改造成了类似刀锋女王的存在。在《星际争霸II》中,斯托科夫加入了凯瑞甘的虫群,而现在,他...

Play more network on December 13, launched on December 15 in version 3.9 of the starcraft Ⅱ, new commander stowe peskov task cooperation will bring his legions of infected to return to the battlefield, and you can also take the experience against conventional limit the variation of strength of science and technology. In the cooperative task, on the other hand, cut a dash on the battlefield, and carry out their "hidden action" after the battle, nova will now join as a weatherman "starcraft II". The new commander Krakow, Krakow, alexei stowe alexei stowe in starcraft times acted an important role in the plot, although he is from the beginning to tulane suspicious, but in the end he still lay down on the tulane woven plot. But death did not bring his calm, Krakow, stowe was converted into similar to the presence of the queen of blades. In starcraft II, Krakow, stowe joined kerry Kennedy swarm, and now he...

标签: 星际争霸