新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《守望先锋》玩家数量破2000万 暴雪赚大了

《守望先锋》玩家数量破2000万 暴雪赚大了

The watchman pioneer number of players to break the 20 million blizzard earn big

2016-10-13 01:16:53来源: 新浪

《守望先锋》的团队刚刚公开了新的万圣节惊魂夜,除了加入PVE玩法之外,还将会有很多有趣的物品。无论是首发销量还是后续的长期销售,《守望先锋》都大获成功。 暴雪在最近的一次发布会上正式宣布了《守望先锋》玩家数量突破2000万的消息,对于2016年发售的任何一款游戏来说,《守望先锋》的销...

The watchman pioneer team has just released a new Halloween fright night, in addition to join PVE play, also there will be lots of interesting things. Both starting sales and subsequent sales for a long time, "the watchman pioneer" is a great success. Blizzard at a recent conference officially announced the watchman vanguard player number 20 million messages, for any one game launched in 2016, "the watchman pioneer" pin...