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Explaining "XianXia world 2" advance camp: VR experience 4 k

2016-11-11 13:49:43来源: 天极网

11月10日,《仙侠世界2》无限飞行先遣营在巨人园区举行,同时间,游戏官方正式宣布将在11月25日启动首次招募测试!一波玩家和媒体已浩浩荡荡地向无限飞行先遣营地驶来。 先遣营上,美术和音效负责人分别介绍了《仙侠世界2》的创作史。加班和熬夜、心酸和眼泪在这一刻都显得无比值得。因为游戏呈...

On November 10, "XianXia world 2" infinite flight advance camp held in giant park, at the same time, the game officially announced that it will start on November 25 recruiting test for the first time! A wave of players and the media has been flying to the infinite advance vastly approaching the camp. Advance on the camp, art and sound head respectively introduces the creation of "XianXia world 2" history. Work overtime and stay up late, all the sadness and tears in this moment is very worth it. Because the game is...

标签: VR