新关注 > 信息聚合 > 反差萌?Yui翻跳《野蛮人大作战》游戏宅舞


The contrast of? Yui turn "savage combat of National People's Congress" game curtilage dance

2017-10-16 00:00:00来源: 人民网

最近,由野蛮人大作战带出的宅舞大礼包接二连三,从风姿绰约的胡子小姐到兽娘薮猫漠☆漠,都大跳宅舞来为野蛮人大作战打call。今天,吉原悠一_yui也是激情翻跳野蛮人大作战《野蛮裙摆》,给大家带来一支全新风格的野蛮宅舞,B站网友纷纷用弹幕表示“吉原悠一_yui的裙底风光由我来承包”。 吉原悠一_yui翻跳宅舞 吉原悠一_yui将野蛮人大作战里的游戏元素完美融入到自己的《野蛮裙摆》宅舞之中,将游戏和舞蹈的乐趣完美结合,还翻跳出了自己的独特风格,完全不输胡子小姐和漠☆漠。视频中,吉原悠一_yui身穿暗黑系连衣裙和裤袜将野蛮人大作战中蛮蛮们残酷的砍杀追逃演绎得淋漓尽致。 宅舞视频 突然间,...

Recently, by the savage's operations out of the house is not only dance barrage, from miss charm gracefuls beard to beast niang serval desert desert, big house dance to fight for savage's call. Today, ji was a leisurely _yui is passion turned savage combat the savage skirt of National People's Congress, bring you a new style of savage curtilage dance, B station netizens have expressed in barrage "ji was a leisurely _yui skirts scenery by me to contract". The original a _yui turn leisurely curtilage dance Ji was a leisurely _yui will savage's operations in the perfect game elements into their own "savage skirt" curtilage dance, combine the fun of games and dance, also turn out their own unique style, don't lose the beard miss and desert desert advances confidently. Video, ji was a leisurely _yui dressed in a dark dress and tights to the brutal battle of National People's Congress pretty pretty brutal slaying pursuit deduced to get incisively and vividly. Curtilage dance video suddenly,...

标签: 游戏