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AR界要出大事了!YY AR寻宝逆天来袭搞事情

AR world is going to happen! YY AR treasure fate to make things

2017-07-21 00:00:00来源: 人民网

最近一则消息刷爆了VR游戏迷的朋友圈,那就是绿巨人、火箭浣熊和惊奇队长等十二位备受欢迎的超级英雄将进入VR世界!据悉,Oculus联合漫威,将漫威旗下的12位超级英雄加入Powers United VR游戏,玩家可以在游戏中选择形象扮演,圆自己的英雄梦。 这对VR游戏迷来说,堪称福音。近两年以来,炫酷的VR游戏强烈的刺激着人们对于VR行业的好奇心和期待感,从而另一个神秘的名词——AR也出现在了人们面前。 目前VR和AR被炒得大热,可谓是方兴未艾,然而很多人还是傻傻搞不懂VR和AR的区别,下面小编就来科普一下。 VR是什么 VR(Virtual Reality),即虚拟现实技术。它...

Recent news maxed out VR gamers, circle of friends, that's the hulk, rocket raccoons and captain marvel twelve popular superhero will enter the VR world! The Oculus joint diffuse, will diffuse its 12 a super hero to join Powers United VR games, players can choose image play in the game, his hero dream. For VR gamers, this is the Gospel. Nearly two years since the cool VR games strongly stimulate the curiosity of the people for VR industry and eating, and the other a mysterious noun - AR also appeared in front of the people. The VR and AR fired, is beginning, however, many people have silly don't know the difference between VR and AR, below small make up to science. VR is what VR (Virtual Reality), that is, the Virtual Reality technology. It...

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