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幸福时刻即将到来 《兵王2》三八传情浪漫一生

An happy moments coming "soldier king 2" 38 love romantic life

2017-03-08 00:00:00来源: 人民网

不忘初心,方得始终。从迷恋、依恋到眷恋,超越轮回,永不改变的是最初不忘的初心。或许就是那不经意间回眸,让你对TA动了心。在这个属于女神的节日里,你是否幸运的拥有了TA?没女神的兄弟们,也别气馁,《兵王2》三八女神节开幕,四国女神陪你过! 与爱人激斗 三八传情第一步 摆正心态主动出击 无论男女玩家,如果还在等着天上掉下个林妹妹或者白马王子来,也许等来的只是梦一场。首先要摆正心态,遇到心仪的对象后,别畏惧,该出手时就出手,勇敢去找TA搭讪吧,组队刷怪、钓鱼跳舞、飙车答题、采集副本、日常任务、国战军战……主动敲对方并发送邀请,日积月累,不知不觉中女神已是你的囊中物。 曾经一起玩过的...

Don't forget to beginner's mind, the party must always. From infatuation and attachment to linger, beyond rebirth, it will never change is the original does not forget the beginner's mind. That may be inadvertently look back, let you to TA to move the heart. In the holiday of the goddess, you are lucky to have a TA? No brothers of the goddess, don't be discouraged, "soldier king 2" 38 goddess festival, goddess of the four countries with you! Fireworks with your lover The first step in 38 (SMS) Adjust state of mind active attack Both men and women players, if waiting for the next sister Lin heaven or white horse prince, maybe just for a dream. First should adjust state of mind, and meet the object, don't be afraid, make moves when it's necessary to make moves, brave to find the TA strike up a conversation, dancing, fishing, motorcycle racing team brush blame the answer, collection and copy, daily tasks, frequents army... Active on the other side and send the invitation, accumulate over a long period, imperceptibly the goddess is your palm. Once played together...