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剑御龙魂 《不败传说》神兵系统解析

Royal dragon sword spirit "unbeaten legend" magic parsing system

2017-03-07 00:00:00来源: 人民网

第三代国战网游《不败传说》的神兵系统自诞生以来便广受关注,引人入胜的背景故事、强力的被动技能和独有的养成玩法十分受玩家欢迎。今天,小编就来和大家一起分享一下关于神兵系统的玩法。 【神兵现身 豪杰群起争逐】 神兵利器的出现,惹得天下豪杰群起争逐,更有神乎其传的“得神兵者的天下”的说法。据传,在《不败传说》的万魔沙窟中,吸收天地精华的神兵利器正在蠢蠢欲动。正是这六把神器将天下划分为燕、赵、越、吴、魏、齐六国,后而驱巨兽,逐巨鳄,杀毒虫,斩猛兽,安定四方。 【全民养神兵 砍Boss吸魂养气】 一提神兵,不少玩家似乎又回到了被大人民币玩家支配的恐惧。不用着急,区别于传统网游无脑氪金的...

Third generation frequents online game "unbeaten legend magic system has widely attention since its birth, compelling backstory, powerful passive skills and unique form style are very popular with the players. Today, small make up and share about the game magic system. Magic magic emerged hero rise chief 】 【, provoked the world hero gang chief, have a mind more on their travels "the magic of the world". Reportedly, in the unbeaten legend of magic sand wat, absorbs the essence of the heaven and earth magic happening. That tell the artifact will be divided into six yan, zhao, the more, wu, wei, qi six, beast, and flooding after one croc, antivirus, beast, stability and four sides. 【 the magic Cut the Boss soul feeder relating 】 a magic, a lot of players seem to be returned to be big yuan players dominate the fear. Don't try so hard, the difference between traditional online games without brain krypton gold...