新关注 > 信息聚合 > 金希澈中韩明星对抗赛负中国:电脑太卡


Super junior China and South Korea star test negative China: computer is too card

2016-11-04 09:05:38来源: 新浪

新浪娱乐讯 (Wendy/文)2016年11月2日晚8点,某平台直播SM超级明星联赛,韩国艺人金希澈、伯贤加入韩国战队与五名中国电竞选手在LOL展开厮杀,以0:2的成绩负于中国战队。赛后金希澈调侃,完全是因为电脑的问题(太卡),才会输掉这场比赛。 本场中韩明星对抗赛,除专业电竞选手参...

Sina entertainment inquiry (Wendy/article) on November 2, 2016 8 PM, a platform live SM superstar league, Korean artists sj, xian join south Korean team with five Chinese electricity running hand in LOL, with 2-0 defeat to the Chinese team. Super junior, after the game completely because of computer problems (too), would lose the game. To the China and South Korea star test, in addition to professional electrical campaign hand and...