新关注 > 信息聚合 > 阴阳师手游5大吉祥物包抽SSR


Yin and Yang division hand travel 5 major mascot packs SSR

2016-11-04 09:30:22来源: 新浪

阴阳师抽取SSR正确姿势!参拜完下列的阴阳师吉祥物你还愁没有SSR? 希望为各位非洲人 开一扇门,点一盏灯。 [TOP5·加藤鹰] 玄学指数: 推荐理由:黄金手指 众所周知,暴雪的游戏,装备大多以颜色不同区分其稀有度。从下而上分别是白,蓝,紫,橙(金)。号称“黄金...

The Yin and Yang division extracts SSR correct posture! Visit the following Yin and Yang division mascot, you still worry about no SSR? I hope you can open a door for Africans and light a lamp. [TOP5 [Taka Kato] metaphysics index: recommend reason: gold finger is well known, Blizzard game, equipment mostly color difference, distinguish its rarity. From the bottom up are white, blue, purple, orange (gold). Gold...

标签: 手游