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雷亚概念店 台湾ACG产业的最新实现空间

Rhea, Taiwan ACG industry the latest implementation of space concept store

2016-11-04 09:05:38来源: 新浪

走访台北,在市中心一带,左拥松山文创园区、右靠文创小店的聚集地民生小区,一间以工业风为基调的游戏概念店,成为体会原创内容与实现ACG产业本地化的最佳空间。 这间名为「RAYARK CONCEPT」的复合式概念店,出自于台湾游戏开发商雷亚游戏。 2016年是雷亚游戏成立的第五年,她...

Visit Taipei, in the heart of the city area, left matsuyama, a park, right on the shop of the people's livelihood village, a game concept is fundamental key with industrial wind for shop, be realized that the original content and implementation of ACG industry localization best space. This is called "RAYARK CONCEPT" compound CONCEPT store, game developers rhea come from Taiwan. Real games in 2016 was founded in the fifth year, she...