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奥奇传说巨人周 巨人吃经验果翻倍

The strange tales double week of giant experience to eat fruit

2016-08-12 23:42:35来源: 4399

奥奇传说巨人周 巨人吃经验果翻倍,奥奇巨人周震撼来袭!巨人吃经验果双倍吸收!巨人神属更优惠!本周的巨神夜煞大家觉得怎么样呢? 活动时间:2016年8月12日起~ 活动地点:游戏界面上方 活动方式:巨人吃经验果双倍吸收 奥奇巨人周福利: 1、巨人精灵使用经验果效果翻倍! 2、...

The strange tales double week of giant experience to eat fruit, he incoming week of shock! Giant fruit eating experience double absorption! Giant god is better! This week's big night god evil spirit do you think? Activity time: on August 12, 2016 ~ activity place: above the game interface activity way: giant experience eating fruit to absorb the odd double giant Zhou Fuli: 1, the giant genie experience with double effect of fruit! 2,...