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美女cos尽显种族天分 男性角色全部娘化

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2016-08-12 23:12:36来源: 游久网

导读在dota比赛日益精彩的同时,各路cosplay大神的装扮也愈加出色。.. 在dota比赛日益精彩的同时,各路cosplay大神的装扮也愈加出色。正赛第三日比赛结束之后,cosplayers聚集在钥匙球馆外开始展示他们的服装。 Dota是个男性玩家数量远远超过女性的游戏。作为女...

Reading in dota competition increasingly exciting at the same time, various cosplay great god dress up is also increasingly outstanding. .. In dota competition is becoming more and more wonderful and at the same time, various cosplay great god dress up is also increasingly outstanding. The race on the third day after the end of the game, cosplayers gathered outside the key arena began to display their clothes. Dota is a men outnumber women in the game. As a woman...