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热情不减!Pokemon Go谷歌应用下载达5000万

Enthusiasm is not less! Go Pokemon Google app download up to 50 million

2016-07-29 08:25:05来源: 环球网

据9to5Google网站报道,正在进军国际市场的《Pokemon Go》,本周末在Google Play应用商店的下载量达到5000万次。据移动应用分析公司Sensor Tower称,《Pokemon Go》是下载量超过5000万次最快的游戏,目前仍然是名列前茅的免费Android应用...

According to the 9to5Google website reported, is entering the international market, Go Pokemon, this weekend in the Play Google app store downloads reached 50 million times. According to the mobile application analysis company Tower Sensor said, "Go Pokemon" is to download more than 50 million times the fastest game, is still one of the best free Android applications...

标签: 谷歌