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《魔兽世界 军团再临》前夕版本现已上线

World of warcraft bianconeri return "on the eve of version online now

2016-07-21 16:48:51来源: 多玩游戏

在焦急又忐忑的等待之后,备受期待的《魔兽世界:军团再临》国服前夕版本如期与玩家们见面了!在这个版本中,玩家将迎来不少令人激动的变化和新内容,让我们一起来看看这些喜人的变化,以便更快地做好准备,对抗即将到来的强大敌人吧! 新版本生存指南视频 幻化系统革新 《魔兽世界》中各式强大...

After anxious and uneasy wait, much-anticipated "world of warcraft: the bianconeri return the clothes on the eve of version duly meet with the players! In this version, the player will have a lot of exciting changes and new content, let's take a look at these gratifying changes, in order to more quickly get ready, a strong enemy against the coming! New version of the survival guide video unreal system innovation in the world of warcraft all kinds of strong...

标签: 魔兽世界