新关注 > 信息聚合 > 跑酷手游《疯狂奔跑者》上架iOS 众人越障碍争夺..

跑酷手游《疯狂奔跑者》上架iOS 众人越障碍争夺..

Parkour mobile game "crazy runners on iOS. All the obstacles for the.

2016-07-21 18:59:41来源: 任玩堂

前段时间任玩堂曾报道过,历时一年制作的跑酷动作游戏 ReRunners《疯狂奔跑者》进入 Beta 测试,并预定于 7 月正式上架,如今该作已经与玩家正式见面了。下面就来借着试玩视频,了解一下游戏的玩法吧。 游戏玩法和一般跑酷游戏区别不大,都是以最快的速度通过翻越赛道上的各色障碍,最终...

Recently reported play hall, took a one-year of parkour action game ReRunners "crazy runners into the Beta, and scheduled for July is activated, now should have formally met with players. Here is to borrow the demo video, know about the game. Game play and the general difference is not big, parkour game is the fastest speed through crossing track all kinds of obstacles, in the end...

标签: 手游 iOS