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《征途2》人气服受热捧 这些福利必须领

"Journey 2" people are hot and popular, these welfare must be led

2016-06-21 12:46:01来源: 新浪

《征途2》人气服新区已于17号正式开启,玩家再一次感受到了满屏都是人的超人气大戏!传奇大哥强势回归打造的大哥军团,让百万粉丝在人气服新区尽情PK,经过了两天的鏖战,人气服新区依旧处于爆满状态,新手村玩家接踵而来,一片人山人海的景象,让玩家大呼过瘾。 为了打造百万人气大服,新区推出了史...

"Journey 2" in the new area has been officially opened in the 17, players once again feel the full screen is people's superhuman drama! The legend of Big Brother Big brother to build a strong return legion, let millions of fans in new clothes and the popularity of PK, after two days of fierce battle, the popularity of new service is still in full state, Xinshoucun game player after another, a scene of huge crowds of people, let the game player hooked. In order to build millions of people, the new area has been introduced.