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剑侠情缘手游逍遥PK加点推荐 前期逍遥PK怎么加点

Knight errant love mobile game at large PK with recommended a little early at large PK

2016-05-31 18:16:04来源: 4399

剑侠情缘手游中逍遥的造型仅此与武当,想当的帅气,但操作难度也大很多,在PVP中逍遥应该如何加点呢?来一起看看吧。 掌握更多游戏攻略/礼包/备战加入4399剑侠情缘手游交流群:276163703(点击群号加入) ▍逍遥PK技能加点推荐 基本思路:逍遥PK作为前排,极其考验手速和操作,...

Knight errant love tour in hand free and unfettered's modelling and wudang, want to be a handsome, but also much more, difficult in PVP at large should be how to add? To have a look together. Have more game strategy/gift bag/prepare to join 4399 knight errant torn hand swim communication group: 276163703 (click join group no.) ▍ peripateticism PK skills add some recommend a basic train of thought: free and unfettered PK as the front, extremely test hand speed and operation,...

标签: 手游