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Asked mobile game wood change department of professional strongest card selection is recommended

2016-05-23 16:05:58来源: TechWeb

问道手游木系变身卡怎么选择?在选择变身卡前我们需要先了解下体木的特点,回血拉心,血厚防高,输出靠毒,了解了这些,那么我们在选择变身卡的时候,就可以针对这些特点进行选择了。 体木要毒,所以可以选择带有加强中毒或者是忽视抗中毒属性的变身卡,当然一些加气血、防御的变身卡也是可以选择的,至于那...

Asked mobile game wood turns into a card how to choose? Before selecting transformation CARDS we need to understand the characteristics of the nakedness of wood, monthly bleeding heart, high blood thick proofing, output by poison, understand this, so we choose change card, can choose according to these characteristics. Wood to poison, so you can choose to contain strengthening poisoning or ignore the poisoning resistance properties change card, of course, some with qi and blood, defense also can choose to change card, as for the...

标签: 手游