新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《守望先锋》萝莉玩家设计英雄 暴雪认可设计角色..

《守望先锋》萝莉玩家设计英雄 暴雪认可设计角色..

The watchman pioneer girl gamers design hero Blizzard approved design role..

2016-05-23 16:31:08来源: TechWeb

【TechWeb报道】5月23日消息,由暴雪研发的《守望先锋》不断受到玩家认可,人气更是越聚越多,甚至以为萝莉玩玩家用特殊的方式来表示对这款游戏的喜爱,这位萝莉玩家自己设计了一个全新额英雄角色。而暴雪更为有爱,官方认可了这位萝莉玩家的设计。 萝莉玩家设计的这女性英雄角色叫Birst,使...

【 】 TechWeb reported May 23, the "watchman pioneer" being developed by blizzard gamers recognition, is to get more and more popular, even thought the girl play home a special way to show love for the game, the girl players he has designed a new hero. More there is love, and blizzard official recognition of the design of the girl gamers. The girl called Birst character design of the heroines, make...