新关注 > 信息聚合 > 倩女幽魂手游灵兽系统介绍 灵兽获取和种类解析

倩女幽魂手游灵兽系统介绍 灵兽获取和种类解析

Mix ghosts mobile game spirit beast system is introduced Spirit beasts for parsing and species

2016-05-04 18:02:56来源: 4399

今天小编跟大家分享下倩女幽魂手游灵兽系统的介绍,主要包括灵兽的获取、种类和属性介绍,希望大家会喜欢。 灵兽获得 BOSS类型的怪物死亡时,有可能掉落灵兽元神。拾取元神后,可召唤它,也可贩卖给他人。 灵兽种类 根据灵兽的属性,可分为以下几类: 力量型:擅长物理攻击,拥有较高的力量...

Small make up today under the share mix ghosts mobile game spirit beast system is introduced, mainly including the acquisition, kinds and properties of spirit beast, I hope you will like it. Spirit beast to get BOSS type of monster death, may drop yuan god spirit beast. Pick up after the yuan god, can summon it, also can be sold to others. Kind spirit beast According to the properties of the spirit beast, can be divided into the following categories: strength: good at physical attacks, have high strength...

标签: 手游