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TSUTAYA上周游戏销量榜 《妖怪三国志》首位

TSUTAYA game sales charts last week, "Monsters Three Kingdoms" first

2016-04-04 10:13:57来源: 电玩巴士

TSUTAYA公开了上周游戏销量榜,新作方面3DS《妖怪三国志》排在首位,上周第一的3DS《勇者斗恶龙怪兽篇Joker3》被挤下到了第二位。PS4《星之海洋5》排在第3位,PS4版《胜利赛马8 2016》排在第10,PSV版排在第13。而《死或生 极限沙滩排球3》的PSV与PS4版已经掉...

TSUTAYA game sales charts last week disclosed a new respect for 3DS "Monsters Three Kingdoms" in the first row, the first 3DS last week, "Dragon Quest Monsters chapter Joker3" pushed down to second place. PS4 "Star Ocean 5" ranked No. 3, PS4 version of "Victory Racing 82016" at No. 10, PSV came in the 13th edition. And "Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball 3" PSV and PS4 version had been removed ...

标签: 游戏