新关注 > 信息聚合 > 火线精英无形的敌人 幽灵爆破难度升级

火线精英无形的敌人 幽灵爆破难度升级

Elite invisible enemy fire Ghost blasting difficult to upgrade

2016-01-19 15:01:04来源: 4399

火线精英无形的敌人 幽灵爆破难度升级 4399火线精英幽灵爆破,是在经典爆破模式的基础上添加了限制条件而衍生的新模式,属于爆破模式的子模式。 每局开始的时候,蓝方和经典爆破模式无异,红方全体增加隐身效果,并且无法使用主武器和副武器作战,但双方获胜的条件不变。在这样的条件下,蓝方玩家应...

Elite invisible enemy fire Ghost blasting difficulty upgrade firewire 4399 elite ghost blasting, is on the basis of the classical model of blasting added constraints and new mode of derivative, belongs to the subpattern blasting mode. Recorded in the beginning, blue and classic blasting mode, red all the increase of stealth effect, and cannot use the main weapons and vice combat, but both sides win condition unchanged. Under such circumstances, blue players should be...