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年度3D团战手游大作 《仙武》今日震撼开测

Melee year 3 d mobile game masterpiece "fairy wu" shock open today

2015-12-16 17:11:32来源: 4399

2015年末惊喜来袭!4399年度大作3D团战手游《仙武》12月16日早10点已经震撼开测啦!相信各路英雄已经摩拳擦掌,请跟着4399幺幺小编来揭下游戏的神秘面纱吧! 游戏以盛唐为背景,因封印秦始皇的神兵之力解除,秦始皇和他的兵马俑从魔域回到了人间,给大唐造成了前所未有的危害。玩家作为...

At the end of 2015 surprise attack! 4399 annual book 3 d melee mobile game "fairy wu" on December 16, 10 a.m. already open shock test! Believe each hero rolled up, please follow on small make up to 4399 do unveils the mysteries of the game! Games in tang dynasty as the background, due to seal the magic power of lifting, qin qin shi huang and his terracotta warriors from the demon back to the earth, caused unprecedented dangers to datang. Players as...

标签: 手游