新关注 > 信息聚合 > 斗鱼三女神齐亮相 约你明晚7点一起超时空“机”..

斗鱼三女神齐亮相 约你明晚7点一起超时空“机”..

Betta three goddesses appeared together about you tomorrow night at seven super time and space "machine"..

2015-10-21 10:38:51来源: 中国娱乐网

随着DAOTA2 TI5和《英雄联盟》S5两大MOBA赛事先后收官,游戏直播平台们的直播重心也逐渐回归日常。不过近日,游族网络通过斗鱼TV精心策划了一起业良节目:10月22日晚7点,斗鱼人气女主播七哥(张琪格)、郭mini以及卡卡将相约直播间,共同为玩家展示游族网络科幻手游《超时空机战》...

with DAOTA2 ti5 and League of legends S5 two MoBa events have been ending the game live platform for their live focus gradually return to normal. But recently, tour family network through the betta TV orchestrated together industry good show: October 22 at 7 o'clock in the evening, Betta popular anchorwoman seven Zhang Qige, of Guo mini and Kaka will be similar to the live together for the players show tour tour of the family network science fiction "Macross Robo"...