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问道重阳邪魔通缉令 壮志豪饮拿豪礼

Asked the Chongyang demons warrant ambition booze Ho

2015-10-21 11:37:58来源: 新浪

导语:九年经典,百万在线。《问道》重阳节壮志豪饮活动即将开启,多重挑战来袭。稀有道具,海量经验,百万道友邀你共饮于《问道》。 《问道》官网 重阳佳节 进阶邪魔降临中州 重阳佳节将至,可是在《问道》中,“邪咒灵妖”却降临到了东海渔村和无名小镇,等待道友前去降服。只要超过40级的道...

lead: nine years of classic, millions of online. "Asked" the Double Ninth Festival ambition booze activities will be open, multiple challenges struck. Rare props, massive experience, one million friends invite you to drink "asked". "Asked" official website of the Chung Yeung Festival advanced demons come Zhongzhou Chung Yeung Festival is approaching, but in the "ask", "evil it demon" came to the East China Sea fishing and nameless Town, waiting for a friend went to surrender. As long as the road of more than 40...