新关注 > 信息聚合 > 漫谈德拉诺得与失:无法控制的属性膨胀


Gossip Delanuode and loses: properties beyond the control of the expansion

2015-10-21 11:33:40来源: 多玩游戏

撇开优劣胜败,不得不承认的是《德拉诺之王》这个资料片为MMORPG类型游戏开创了不少先例,属性压缩就是其中最为耀眼的一个。 相对于上一篇聊到的角色新模型,相信许多人玩游戏更在乎的是,能在游戏寻找到成就感。而在游戏中,成就感主要来源于自己游戏角色的强大甚至无所不能。而游戏角色的强弱,很大程...

regardless of the pros and cons of victory or defeat, have to admit is the Delano king "the MMORPG genre pioneered many precedents, attribute reduction is one of the most dazzling. Relative to the role of the new model, I believe that many people play games more care is, can find a sense of accomplishment in the game. And in the game, the sense of accomplishment is mainly from the role of the game's powerful and even omnipotent. And the role of the game, a lot of strong...