新关注 > 信息聚合 > 原KOF团队打造格斗游戏《八咫乌》将登陆PS4与PS..


Original KOF team to create a fighting game "yatagarasu" will visit the PS4 and PS..

2015-09-26 11:54:02来源: 电玩巴士


by was responsible for "the king of fighters KOF series of original SNK development team to create independent 2D fighting game" eight within Ukraine, "recently announced that will be on November 30, landing PS4 and PSV platform, price of 1000 yen and download exclusive. The game will be eight full of characters of a showdown, compared to prior to the PC with an arcade version of the console version will redesign of the interface and makes the background of multiple scroll and new illustrations, image rendering effect.

标签: 游戏 PS PS4