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The tongue on the LOL

2015-09-25 18:54:26来源: TechWeb

看到标题很多玩家就在惊讶了,怎么lol中也有吃货?当然有!欢迎收看本期《舌尖上的联盟》。 【谁说小鱼不吃人—菲兹】 若提吃货,小鱼人就凭一句“让我吃掉他们”就足以成为上榜理由之一。只是,初来乍到,刚适应地面生活的菲兹,并不能时时刻刻进行吃这一活动。并且他还是个挑食的主儿,除了敌方英雄...

list to see the title chowhound many game player in surprise, how lol has chowhound? Of course! Welcome to this issue of the tongue of the alliance. Who says little fish does not eat people - Fitz] if the provided goods, fish people by saying "let me eat them" to the list becomes one of the reasons. But, first, just to the ground of life is not always fize, eat this activity. And he was a fussy person, in addition to an enemy hero...

标签: LOL