新关注 > 信息聚合 > YouTube 现在进军游戏直播领域还不算晚

YouTube 现在进军游戏直播领域还不算晚

YouTube now enter the game live field is not too late

2015-09-01 17:08:48来源: TechWeb

“游戏直播”这四个字对于爱玩游戏的同学来说再熟悉不过了,国内也经常曝出新闻称某游戏主播年薪达百万甚至千万,然而对于国外知名视频网站 YouTube 来说,虽然网站人气一直居高不下,但是在游戏直播领域一直是一块尚待填补的空白,直到 8 月 26 日,Google 宣布推出游戏直播平台 Yo...

"game live these four words for playing the game, students who are more familiar, but the domestic often exposed news said a game host the annual salary of millions or even billions, however for foreign well-known video site youtube, although the website popularity has been high, but in the game live field is always a piece of blank is to be filled, until August 26, Google announced to launch the game broadcast platform yo...

标签: 游戏 直播