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保家卫国豪气盖天 东方故事反攻突厥等你来战

Defending the homeland pride cover day oriental story counterattack Turkic you Qin war

2015-09-01 16:39:18来源: 17173

秦时明月汉时关,万里长征人未还。但使龙城飞将在,不教胡马度阴山。 中华民族上下五千里的历史长河中,中原地区一直被周边的游牧民族和蛮族所觊觎。在修仙问道的《东方故事》里,也有着蛮族入侵的情节——好在我们有法术,所以当突厥剑指长安之时,各路大神通之士齐聚大唐边关,共抗强敌! 犯我大唐天...

when moon Han Guan, the long march has not yet. But the dragon fly in, not taught Ma degrees Yinshan hu. The Chinese nation under five thousand years of history, the Central Plains region has been around the nomads and barbarians coveted. In the fairy asked the "Oriental tale", also has a barbarian invasion of plot -- fortunately we have a spell, so when the Turks to prove safety of Chang'an, the brightest big powers gathered in Datang border were against enemy! I made my big tang...